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Feb 136 min read
The strange effect of being less than perfect on your brand
Which cookie would you rather choose
Would it surprise you that 66% would pick the one on the right?
But why?

Feb 18 min read
How to Find Your Brands Tone of Voice
Fun Fact: Did You Know Britney Spears’ Breakout song “Baby One More Time” wasn’t written for her?
It was first offered to the R&B group TLC

Jan 245 min read
How to Write to Your Ideal A+ Client Without Alienating Your Target Market
As copywriters, we're told to write to that one person - our ideal client, but what if, you have more than 1 target market

Jan 205 min read
How to Get Your Status Quo Clients to Change their Behaviour
Inspiring change in our passive audience especially when it comes to forming new habits can seem near impossible

Dec 13, 20245 min read
Incorporating Your Customers' Love Language into Your Messaging
Much of product marketing language is full of words that the company thinks customers get excited about but in reality, they don't

Nov 28, 20245 min read
Your biggest Competitor isn't Brand X
No matter how perfect your services are your audience will always find something to object to.
Heres how to overcome them

Nov 20, 20244 min read
How to Write Technically so that Your Audience Understands Your Message Regardless of their Expertise
The Curse of Knowledge stems from a simple premise: the more you know about a subject, the harder it becomes to imagine what it's like not

Nov 7, 20243 min read
Steal Your Audience's Attention: Pattern Interrupt the Zig to Their Zag
Our brain is hardwired to recognize patterns and familiarity making it hard to capture your audience's attention

Nov 1, 20245 min read
Why the top Brands don’t skip showing off their features
You've probably heard the advice to "sell your benefits, not features" countless times. But you should never overlook the role your features

Oct 18, 20243 min read
If your messaging is confusing, your customers will think your product is too
When your messaging is complicated and confusing your customers will assume your product are too

Oct 16, 20244 min read
How 1 Simple Writing Strategy Can Increase the ROI of Your Product by 2381.39%
It's a hard one to sell to your CMO when you tell them you should be writing more compelling stories in your marketing

Oct 6, 20243 min read
How to Write Stories That Sell
When we read a good story in a sales copy, we don't notice (or even care) that we're being sold to.
Read by Your Competitor's B2B Writers
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